Packages This code package is responsible for importing subject records into the data repository.
cst.adminTool.persistenceLayer This package contains classes which are responsible for supporting business operations in the MySQL Production data repository.
cst.adminTool.presentationLayer Manages the GUI code used to support the Administration Tool.
cst.common.businessLayer Describes the major business concepts used in the system. Contains a number of classes used to support operations for importing both subject attribute data and activity data.
cst.common.persistenceLayer Contains classes which handle data persistence tasks to support both logging and administration services.
cst.common.system Manages classes which use a sequence of dialogs to guide end-users as they import activity data into the data repository.
cst.loggingTool.plugins.examples Sample code for various types of plugins supported by CST.
cst.loggingTool.presentationLayer Manages code used to make the GUI in the Logging Tool.
cst.loggingTool.presentationLayer.reports Contains the classes used to generate reports in the Logging Tool.
cst.test Contains all the automated test suites that are used to test the application.
cst.util Contains general purposes classes which are candidates for libraries which may serve other applications.