Uses of Interface

Packages that use AdminServiceAPI This code package is responsible for importing subject records into the data repository. 
cst.adminTool.persistenceLayer This package contains classes which are responsible for supporting business operations in the MySQL Production data repository. 
cst.adminTool.presentationLayer Manages the GUI code used to support the Administration Tool. 
cst.test Contains all the automated test suites that are used to test the application. 

Uses of AdminServiceAPI in

Constructors in with parameters of type AdminServiceAPI
TrialSubjectDataSpreadsheetBodyParser(AdminServiceAPI adminServiceAPI, TrialSubjectModelFactory trialSubjectModelFactory, SpreadsheetTransferSettings transferSettings, TrialSubjectDataHeaderParser coreDataHeaderParser)

Uses of AdminServiceAPI in cst.adminTool.persistenceLayer

Classes in cst.adminTool.persistenceLayer that implement AdminServiceAPI
 class DemonstrationAdminService
          Provides an in-memory version of the administration service that is used principally for demonstration and testing purposes.
 class ProductionAdminService
          The implementation of AdminServiceAPI that manages the data repository as a MySQL database.

Uses of AdminServiceAPI in cst.adminTool.presentationLayer

Methods in cst.adminTool.presentationLayer with parameters of type AdminServiceAPI
 void AdministrationToolDialog.setDatabase(AdminServiceAPI database)

Uses of AdminServiceAPI in cst.test

Fields in cst.test declared as AdminServiceAPI
protected static AdminServiceAPI CSTTestSuite.adminServiceAPI
protected  AdminServiceAPI AbstractCSTTestCase.adminServiceAPI

Methods in cst.test that return AdminServiceAPI
static AdminServiceAPI CSTTestSuite.getAdminDatabase()