Uses of Interface

Packages that use Displayable
cst.common.businessLayer Describes the major business concepts used in the system. 
cst.util Contains general purposes classes which are candidates for libraries which may serve other applications. 

Uses of Displayable in cst.common.businessLayer

Classes in cst.common.businessLayer that implement Displayable
 class TrialSubjectModel
          Represents a subject.
 class User
          A user of the applications.

Uses of Displayable in cst.util

Methods in cst.util that return Displayable
 Displayable DisplayableList.getSelectedItem()

Methods in cst.util that return types with arguments of type Displayable
 java.util.ArrayList<Displayable> DisplayableList.getSelectedItems()

Methods in cst.util with parameters of type Displayable
 void DisplayableList.addDisplayableItem(Displayable displayableItem)

Method parameters in cst.util with type arguments of type Displayable
 void DisplayableList.addDisplayNames(java.util.ArrayList<Displayable> displayableItems)

Constructor parameters in cst.util with type arguments of type Displayable
DisplayableList(javax.swing.JList list, java.util.ArrayList<Displayable> displayableItems)