

Project History

Use Cases Scenarios
Use Case Requirements
Bugs and Known Limitations

User Manuals Getting Started
General Tour
Configuration Options
Logging Tool Tour
Administration Tool Tour

Developers Architecture
Analysis of Design
Creating Plugins
Future Enhancements

Configuration Options

This section describes the options in the configuration file. To make your own configuration file:
  1. Copy and rename either ./doc/sample_files/SampleDataModel.xml or ./doc/sample_files/SampleDataModelWithPlugins.xml.
  2. Put your copy in the ./models folder of your installation directory
  3. Edit your configuration file as needed. For now we expect you to edit your own file by example.

The following sections describe configuration options in more detail

Properties of general_information tag

General information properties are pieces of information which appear in the automatically generated "Help" page which appears in the Help menu of the Logging Tool.
XML Tag Property Description Example Default
project_title The name of the application. This is used in the title of the Administration and Logging tools.
  • Clinical Trials of ABC Strain Knock-out Mice
  • University of XYZ Jaundice Study
  • Malaria Treatment using Permathrine Nets
Clinical Study Tracker
main_contact_name Person who is mainly responsible for the project.
email Main contact users should e-mail if they encounter problems or have questions about the study.
phone Phone number of main contact
project_title The name of the application. This is used in the title of the Administration and Logging tools.
  • Clinical Trials of ABC Strain Knock-out Mice
  • University of XYZ Jaundice Study
  • Malaria Treatment using Permathrine Nets
Clinical Study Tracker
application_name The name of the application for use by other programs. The name should have all lower case letters and have no spaces. knockout_mice_study_app cst_app
application_version The version of the application. knockout_mice_study_app cst_app

Properties of database_properties tag

XML Tag Property Description Example Default
database_name The name of the MySQL database. clinicalDB clinicalTrials
database_server The name of the server which hosts the MySQL installation
  • localhost
database_port the communication port used by CST to communicate with the database. Usually 8080 null
user_table_name the name of the table used to hold information about userIDs. data_curators, registered_users. users
subject_table_name The table which holds the primary key identifier (eg: serial number), as well as subject attribute data (eg: Location="Manchester", Gender="Female")
  • volunteers
  • people
  • mice
activity_changes_table_name name of the table that will record the changes users make to data.
  • changes
  • audit_trail
primary_key_length the number of characters in a primary key. Typically less than 15. Note that long primary keys may lead to inefficient database processing. 20 40
subject_attribute_length the number of characters allowed in a value for a subject attribute. For example if the value of a subject attribute "Location" is "Manchester", the length would have to be at least 10 characters. 25 50
comments_length the number of characters allocated to store comments a user makes about one activity for one case study member. 255
start_date The start date of the study. The date is used to provide the lower bound value for date field values. 2007
end_date The end date of the study. The date is used to provide the upper bound value for date field values. 2010

Properties of tracked_object_properties tag

These are properties for the tag tracked_object_properties. This tag also contains these nested tags:
XML Tag Property Description Example Default
singular name singular case of the word that describes the subjects of the study
  • volunteer
  • person
  • mouse
case study member
singular name plural case of the word that describes the subjects of the study
  • volunteers
  • people
  • mice
case study members
primary_key_attribute See properties of primary_key_attribute
subject_attribute See properties of subject_attribute

Properties of primary_key_attribute tag

The primary key field describes the primary key used in the subject table and all of the activity tables as well. This key relates all the other tables together.
XML Tag Property Description Example Default
display_name The display name of the primary key as it would appear in the forms of the Logging Tool.
  • Identifier
  • NHS Number
data storage name The name of the primary key as it would appear as a field name in the MySQL database. The field should have no spaces and have letters all in lower case. Words in the name should be separated by underscore characters.
  • identifier
  • nhs_number

Properties of subject_attribute tag

XML Tag Property Description Example Default
display_name The name of the subject attribute which is displayed to end-users of the Logging Tool. The names appear in parts of the Filter and Reports menu. Site Location -
data_storage_name The name of the subject attribute which appears as a field in the MySQL database. The data storage name will not have spaces. A good convention to use is to use all lower case letters, with words separated by underscore characters. site_location -

Properties of the tag form

XML Tag Property Description Example Default
order The order in which the form will appear in the list of tabbed panes of the Logging Tool. 1,2,3 etc. Configuration manager counts forms it parses and assigns 1 for the first, 2 for the second...
display_name The name of the activity which will be displayed to the end-user. The names will appear as titles of the tabbed pane items of the Logging Tool and will appear in other places such as in the Filter and Reports menus. Often the display names will have spaces. Diabetes Test -
data_storage_name The name of the activity which will be used to name an activity table in the MySQL database. The names will appear in SQL queries found in the classes of the cst.loggingTool.persistenceLayer package. The names should not have spaces. You should use the naming convention of having all lower case letters with words separated by underscores. diabetes_test -
tool_tip Help text displayed to users when their mouse pointers hover over the titles of tabbed panes. A useful convention is to put the initials of a person responsible for the activity in brackets. This activity tracks the activity of testing for diabetes from blood samples to archiving the test results. (KG) -
enforce_chronology If "true" then CST will detect an error if the sequence of dates in an activity records appear in descending chronological order. If "false", then the validation check is not done. It is useful to set this flag to "false" if delays happen in activities which violate the order in which steps are assumed to occur.
  • true
  • false
form_fields See form_field properties
  • true
  • false

Properties of form_field tag

XML Tag Property Description Example Default
order The order in which the field appears in the sequence of activity steps. 1,2,3 etc. If no order tag is specified, CST assigns 1 to the first field it parses, 2 to the second field it parses, etc.
display_name The name of the field which is displayed in the Logging Tool forms. The field names will appear in the tabbed panes and in options in the Filters and Reports menu. Results Archived If no order tag is specified, CST assigns 1 to the first field it parses, 2 to the second field it parses, etc.
data_storage_name The name of the field as it would appear in a table of the MySQL database. results_archived -
tool_tip Help text that appears when users hover their mice pointers on the field label of date fields in the tabbed panes. It is good practice to put the initials of the person who manages the activity step. Results archived on CDs and placed in filing cabinet (KG). -

Properties of plugins tag

XML Tag Property Description Example Default
import_export_plugin See plugin properties. This kind of plugin is advertised in the Database menu of the Logging Tool. - -
report_plugin See plugin properties. This kind of plugin is advertised in the Reports menu of the Logging Tool. - -
subject_information_plugin See plugin properties. This kind of plugin is advertised in the Options menu of the Logging Tool. - -

Properties of the plugins

Tags for import_export_plugin, report_plugin and subject_information_plugin all have the same attributes listed below. Fields such as title, description, author and email are used by CST to describe future plugins to end-users. These values are displayed in a pop-up dialog which tells the users what the plugin does and that the feature is not yet completed.
XML Tag Property Description Example Default
menu_display_name The name of the menu item which will advertise and activate this plugin. Export to XML... -
title The title of the plugin. This may be longer than the menu display name. Exporting Activity Data to XML files. -
description Describes what the plugin does. Exports activity data to an XML file format. -
author Person who manages the code for the plugin. John Smith -
email Email address end-users should use if they want to know more about the plugin. -
parameters See properties of the parameter. tag - -

Properties of the parameter tag

XML Tag Property Description Example Default
name name of the property enable_remote_access -
value value of the property true -

Author: Kevin Garwood

(c)2010 Medical Research Council. Licensed under Apache 2.0.
