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Logging Tool Tour Reports Menu Activity Forms

Help Menu


Fig. Reports-Menu-1: The Help Menu.

Contact... Shows a dialog with the description and contacts associated with the clinical study.


Finding out more about the clinical study

  1. Click on the "Help Menu".
  2. Click on "Contact...". You should see the dialog below

    Fig. Help-Menu-2: The Help dialog which describes the clinical study.

  3. Choose a title for the report. This will be printed on the progress charts.
  4. The viewer lets you select what activity steps you want to include in your report. However, you should first specify the kinds of subjects you want to examine. By default, subjects will be included in the report if they have a date value filled for a selected activity step.
  5. To close the dialog, press "Close"

Author: Sheila Raynor

(c)2010 Medical Research Council. Licensed under Apache 2.0.